ForeFlight Adds PDC and D-ATIS

ForeFlight Adds PDC and D-ATIS

ForeFlight, in partnership with Satcom Direct, now delivers mobile Pre-Departure Clearance (PDC) and Digital Automated Terminal Information Service (D-ATIS) at the busiest airports in the United States.

PDCs are official text clearances issued for U.S. IFR flight plans, and include the filed route, the cleared altitude, transponder code, departure frequency and any special instructions. It replaces, and is the same as, a verbal clearance from Clearance Delivery. The PDC integrates with your preflight workflow in ForeFlight. Register your aircraft then file with Foreflight and you›ll automatically receive your full clearance, and current ATIS information, via email and text message.

Whether you register for PDC, if you file an IFR or VFR flight plan through ForeFlight, the current ATIS will automatically arrive via text message (from over 70 major U.S. airports) about 15 minutes before departure time.

Mobile PDC and D-ATIS are included with ForeFlight’s Performance Plus and Business Performance plans.

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